If you want to receive divine light, pray. If you have begun to make progress and want this light to be intensified within you, pray. And if you have reached the summit of perfection and want to be super-illumined so as to remain in that state, pray.
~~Angela of Foligno
Complete Works (Paulist Press)
I pray today for love and healing to cover every inch of our planet. I ask that goodness, kindness, mercy, and miracles bless every individual. I ask for God to give me the patience and the forgiveness towards those that I feel have wronged others, including myself. I pray for the homeless and those who have lost their life's savings through greedy actions. I pray for the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms and that they be brought back into beautiful balance and harmony. I pray for the elderly, the sick, and the children whom seem lost or separated. God I ask you to continue send your angels out in armies to assist humanity.
I ask for all of these things in the most powerful love for the Most High~
Amen Amen Amen
Namaste Desiree, To pray for an desired outcome is in contrast to your reading material. Our greatest teachers tell us that prayer is the manifestation of our reality as God beings. To pray to an exterior source is to accept the separation of our true Godself. I too pray but instead of asking I experience and express my desires as having already occured. When we ask for someting we are telling the "Knowesphere" (Gregg Braden) that there is need. As God, we have no need, all is within. A great example of the difference is found in Carlos Castenada teaching of Don Juan. The Hopi when praying for rain will envision the experience of rain the wetness, the smell, the feel of mud in the toes the sounds. Replicating the feeling of rain is the prayer, the result is that one tells the knowesphere that rain is abundant so the Gods give us the answer to the prayer. To physically ask God for rain is to say that rain is not part of our manifested reality in the present Now this will result in the Gods giving us the "need of" juxaposed to the experience of. With love....om
Blessings God I Am~
Thanks for your beautiful input.... as we all have our own direct connection with the divine and an intimate one at that. I believe that your truth is your truth and I truly respect that. My prayers come from the space that I am in right now in this moment. There is no right or wrong and I certainly honor this space I am in. We all heal in our own way and process losses and human suffering as it is needed to be processed and again I honor this. I truly believe that when we start pushing our truths on others or that we have a better mode of prayer ...then we begin to create the exact thing you are talking about...'separation'. If more beings spent time praying from unconditional love instead of worrying about what teaching they have followed, then we truly would bring forth our authentic self....our God-self. I Love Braden, Castaneda, and many of the prophetic teachings.
Today my prayer reflects exactly how I feel...and today my friend I truly feel there is a need!
Love and Peace~
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