The Universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper~
Eden Phillpotts , A Shadow Passes
Welcome to Sacred Signs blog. I ask you to share your blessings, your fears, your life, your signs!!! This blog is open to all because we are all connected and in sync with the universal energy known as "The Source!" How cool is that! Be Well and Be Blessed...Love, Desiree
The building is in the shape of a Greek cross, which some have suggested was intended to show a harmony between pagan philosophy and Christian theology.
The architecture of the building was inspired by the work of Bramante, who, according to Vasari, helped Raphael with the architecture in the picture.[1] Some have suggested that the building itself was intended to be an advance view of St. Peter's Basilica.[1]
There are two sculptures in the background. The one on the left is the god Apollo, god of the Sun, archery and music, holding a lyre.[1] The sculpture on the right is Athena, goddess of wisdom, in her Roman guise as Minerva.
Raphael was the youngest of the Italian Renaissance Painters. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were an inspiration to Raphael.
I am fascinated by them all!
The word comes from Latin providentia "foresight, prudence", from pro- "ahead" + videre "to see". The current meaning of the word (Divine Providence) derives from the sense "knowledge of the future" or omniscience, which is the privilege of God. The initial meaning of providere remains in 'to provide' = "to take precautionary measures".