I am enamored by the trains! I love the sound of the train coming! The whistle, the rumble, the rattle, and the roar! It is one of the most comforting man made sounds for me. I have lived near the tracks for over nine years, and my newest location is two blocks from a railroad crossing. In the area that I have moved to I have also come across something else in regard to trains. I am in area where there are miles of freight trains parked along the tracks. I have been seeing unbelievable artwork on them. So I googled it and found it to be a big thing. On this one highway I travel in my commute there is miles and miles of graffiti freight trains! I pulled over the other day and just sat and was in awe. While most people look at this as vandalism, and quite frankly I moved from a city that had huge graffitti laws, I saw artistic expression on these freight cars. Crazy I know...my mail box was graffitied so many times that it had about 20 layers of silver spray paint on it! But I am really taken away by this train thing!
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