"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."
Albert Einstein
I agree with Albert and I have often said that synchronicity is God's way of seeing if we are paying attention. Synchronicity is a term coined by Carl Jung, the Swiss Psychologist and he explains it in his own words. "Synchronicity reveals the meaningful connections between the subjective and objective world."
A few days ago I blogged about 'serendipity'. The difference between synchronicity and serendipity would be that serendipity is something of value that shows up while you are looking for something else and synchronicity actually takes on another whole twist when things show up in our reality. Often called 'coincidences', synchronistic events show up kind of like in 'pairs'. A good example would be that you may be studying something and then that exact thing you are studying shows up in your reality in some way, shape, or form. Sometimes it may appear over and over again. When this happens one can only begin to wonder what the message is or what is it that the universe is communicating to us. I find it fascinating when this happens.
I rarely look at things as coincidental. I actually look at them more as 'universal gifts' and I am always patiently awaiting my next synchronistic event to show up in my life!
One of my favorite events happened when I was a child. I was about 10 years old and I was fascinated by the astronauts trip to the moon. I went to work with my father one day and on the drive to the job site I was asking him every question under the sun about the moon missions. My father was at a loss because he really did not have the answers. He kept saying that I would have to ask my teacher or that is a good question but he did not hold the answer. When we got to the job site I had to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately there were no bathrooms on this property and my dad pointed to a field with small sage like brush and said "You are going to have to go behind one of those bushes." I did not think twice about it so I walked far out into the field,I found a bush and as I went to squat, there lying on the ground was a library book titled 'Apollo'. I could not believe it! As an adult however.....I totally believe it!!!
"Can such things be,
And overcome us like a summer's cloud,
Without our special wonder?"
William Shakespeare, Macbeth
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