One could describe serendipity (by the way...I love this word!!!!) as finding something of value or incredible luck or helpfulness while looking for something else. We all have experienced this in our lives. It is like the fairy tale of two that are out seeking their life purpose and find each other! I have a friend that was looking for a plumber and found her soul mate! Or I can share a story about a friend that went into a place of business to find something for a friend and landed the career of her lifetime! Great discoveries have been made that would be considered 'serendipitous' events. For instance the discovery of planets in our solar system, like Uranus or the discovery of penicillin, or other medical breakthroughs ...all was discovered while looking for something else. My favorite discovery (it is the only chemical I keep in my house) is WD40. This was discovered by a scientist working on a project for NASA and the creation of this miracle spray in a can evolved. The WD stands for water diplacement and it was the 40th time he had concocted the mixture.
Here are some definitions and quotes in regard to serendipity:
Serendipity: A very good coincidence, often leading to something really awesome. (Urban Dictionary.com)
'Mistakes are the portals of discoveries' ~James Joyce
good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.
- Louis Pasteur
Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely. ...
An unsought, unintended, or unexpected discovery or occurrence, made by accident and sagacity
Wikpedia references serendipity as being voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company.
Serendipity is putting a quarter in the gumball machine and having three pieces come rattling out instead of one—all red.
- Peter H. Reynolds
Whatever the case may be...when we pay attention and really experience the serendipitous events that happen in our life, we can see how beautiful and magical life can really be!
Next time you are driving and get lost....it may because you are going to discover something that will change your life....for the better!
May this day bring you incredible discoveries!
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