I Am a loving, beautiful, creative, loved, happy, blissful, joyful, intelligent, divine, healing, compassionate, honest, funny, dancing, singing, drumming, fun, cosmic, esoteric, healthy, strong, peaceful, spiritual, artistic, wise, intuitive, aware, awake, and glorious child of the Universe! so it is! so it shall be! amen~
Thank you Auntie Karen for your inspirational e-mail you sent me! I love that!!!
What is your sacred sign for today? What have you asked the Universe to bring to you? see My comment for today!
Well I have been thinking this morning on what is it that I would like the Universe to deliver to me by way of a sacred sign. I pondered hard and long and I have a very big question that I need some validation on. So....I am asking for confirmation in a 'YES" from the Universe by way of a Purple Heart. This can show up in any way, shape, or form and I will be paying attention!!! I will ask for a definitive sign with in 48 hours. Thank you Universe for your undivided attention!
GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! I received my sign. I was looking at greeting cards ad on the very bottom shelf was
a red card. At the bottom of the card it said ..My heart. In the middle of the card was a heart with PURPLE CRYSTALS....I bought the card. Thank you Universe for delivering my sacred sign and for confirming a very big question ....I m very grateful...and I love purple crystals..so thank you!!
Love, Desiree
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