About four years ago I joined a world wide experiment called Go Gratitude. It was created by a gal in Washington state. She did a 42-day e-mail campaign and created a wave of gratitude! It was awesome because every day I would wake up, read the e-mail, and shift into gratitude. I still get e-mails from her. I just received one yesterday as a matter of fact and now her program has evolved to World Gratitude. You can go to her website by clicking on the 'gratitude rock' at the upper right hand corner of my blog. She is rolling out a new 42-day program on gratitude.
When we are living fully in gratitude, we are living our life to it's fullest potential. When we can keep our self in this powerful and elated state of being, we will attract beautiful people and experiences. Gratitude can be found in everything.
Look for it. It is there.
If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.
~Meister Eckhart
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