“I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.”
~~ Mother Teresa of Calcutta
I just love Mother Teresa! She is one of my heroes!! She reminds us that trust works both ways. My thoughts are that when we seem to have a full plate.....and things can seem a tad bit overwhelming.....look at it as a compliment. When I look back I see that the trust between myself and Creator has been more that a spiritual handshake. I has been the lesson on my part that has brought me into a better understanding of what trust really is. It has made me take a look at my relationships in every area of my life. My mother has always said that "I trust people too much." What is too much trust? Why do we trust some and not others? Betrayal? Promises not being kept? We don't trust our self? I could pose questions for days here But the bottom line is that when we trust, we love. When we trust, we are in gratitude. When we trust and we know that with out a doubt that all is well we are not micro-managing, we are not trying to control the situation.
But hey...life sometimes throws us curve balls. We are moving along and everything is smooth sailing and then WHAM! You get knocked down or knocked in the head with life's little (or big) surprises and you get thrown for a loop. Now all along you were trusting that all was well and you knew that without a doubt all things are running according to the plan. But wait.....it didn't...it didn't at all!!! The rug got pulled right out from underneath ya! OUCH!!! Hard fall! And you want me to trust???
Well...this is when trusting becomes even more important!! This is when trust becomes a virtue. I know....you are thinking...Trust now? After that? Are you crazy?
But this is the point when you surrender and TRUST WITHOUT A DOUBT. You just KNOW that everything is going to work out for the best. Trust that it is being driven by a force bigger than your self. Like Mother Teresa pointed out...trust really works both ways.
I trust that today will be exactly the way it is suppose to be! With out a doubt!
“We get so focused on micromanaging God and His Kingdom that we forget to realize that He is more than capable of handling things on His own!”
~~Bridget Willard
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