I have always felt that if we payed attention, that we would be tuned into a universal language that is creative, inspiring, and could certainly be dubbed..'divine guidance'. I have never doubted that I have always had many helpers seen and unseen just waiting around for my permission to let them be a guiding light on my journey. I also am not afraid, ashamed, or embarrassed to ask for signs from my Universe. Some may think that it is childish or even a lack of faith. And that is okay. I look at it as a fun and exciting game where every one is a winner! Plus I am enamored by the creativity and the craftiness that the Universe brings to me. It inspires me, elates me, and brings me to an all natural high that some of the greatest poets, writers, and wise ones have communicated to us for centuries. I have had sacred signs show up in every way one can imagine. They may pop up on my computer screen or through e-mails, by way of Mother Nature or in words right from a friendly strangers mouth or even a song on the radio. I have had signs show up in a bakery, a post office, in my mail box, on the clock, the odometer, the bathroom, and yes even the kitchen sink! The month of March will be focused on sacred signs, albeit the name of this blog! It is my intention to share with you and for you to share with me your incredible deliveries from the Universe and your wonderful ability to UNDERSTAND and utilize these signs. I feel that when I am really tuned into my Universe...then I am truly living an Enchanted life! And the universal rules to this game that apply here are A) ASK and B) BE READY!
Many Blessings to you on your journey~
1 comment:
My Sacred Sign I asked from the Universe was a shooting star, which can come in ways that we don't usually expect. Here's my story; as i was speaking to my friend on the phone she navigated me to a website called World Puja, and what do you think their logo is??? a moving Shooting Star! unbeleiveable! Had i not been in the present moment, and if i wasn't attentive to the Universe, I would've missed it or dismissed it. Pay attention folks, the Universe speaks to us constantly and in many, many ways we would least expect. Surprising ways:)
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