The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 7 Aries is, “a man successfully expressing himself in two worlds at once”, with the keyword PROFICIENCY. Aries is the beginning of the zodiac and with this being the first new moon of the spring equinox (re-birth) this is probably one of the most powerful new beginning moons of the year. We need to really 'bite' into this energy! I say this because we should soul binge on all of this newness! I can feel the movement and the re-birth and the newness all around me. It is time to breathe deep and smell the new roses. It is time to dig in to Mother Earth and smell the pureness of all that is.
It is also a time of re-evaluating our trust system. I have really had this issue coming up consciously and otherwise. If we can just take a minute to look at the re-birth that is going on in nature all around us...we can mind-morph to the natural reality of what trust is really all about. I do not think that one of the bushes or plants or trees in the yard worried about sprouting buds, flowers, or leaves. I can not believe how fast a bare bush is now covered in the newness of green.....or the apple blossoms just appeared out on no where. I do not think I have ever seen a stressed out blue jay worried about eating. It is just magical. It is a unconditional trust, if you will, that can only been taught through God's garden.
So be 'fully' in this new moon. It is a gift. It is a blessing of the highest order.
Here is to beautiful new beginnings!
With Unconditional Lunar Love~
note: Sabian symbols:Marc Edmund Jones(circa 1925)
On some unrecorded date in 1925, the Sabian symbols were brought into manifestation in the span of a day in Balboa Park, San Diego, California through the combined efforts of Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie Wheeler. They are the most popularly used set of degree symbols today. They are symbolic of the meaning of each degree of the zodiac.
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