I love lemons...and when life gives me lemons I get off the hook crazy on what I can do with those lemons! I see nothing but opportunity and I get to work! While I can make lemonade... I can also make lemon meringue pie, lemon drops, lemon cookies, lemon chicken, lemon pudding, lemon jello, lemon cake, lemon bars, lemon dill salmon...my favorite : ),lemon mousse, lemon streudel, lemon, lemon, lemon ..mania! This so-called 'sour' fruit can turn into the sweetest, decadent,and palette loving of creations! As... so can life!
There was an article that headlined the news yesterday about President Obama's statement in regard to our current state of affairs. His point was that crisis is a time of great 'opportunity'. An excellent article. A friend and I were discussing the topic in depth and he made a comment in regard to the I-ching and how it speaks about 'adversity'. It is in these times that we can stand in our power and take something that we would deem bad, not-so- good, or negative and tap into the ultimate field of opportunities, find the blessings so to speak, or in other words....make lemonade.....lot's of lemonade! I am talking gallons of lemonade! It is time.
There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.
--Douglas MacArthur
Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
--Albert Einstein
mantra: I see opportunity waiting around every corner, in every shadow, in every dark cloud, and when I see opportunity... I am elated! I am in motion! I grab it and I run with it!
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