Well we all know the saying..."life is about choices" and as the Buddha taught us ..."What we think, we are (or become) " and in reality all of this boils down to one simple thing....conscious choices. Every single day we should choose to be aware of our environment and honor Mother Earth. If each one of us made an eco-based change in our lives each day and consistently took action to become good stewards of our planet; not only would we shift the catastrophic effects on our blue planet ...but we would create a happy, healthy, sustainable refuge for all of us to enjoy and be proud of for millenia..(yes folks 1000's of years!). We as Ego-driven humans need to re-program to Eco-driven beings. Many of you already have and I thank you and Mother Earth thanks you and hey thank yourself! Change starts at HOME!!.. and in the work place and the play space! My daughter, (my biggest green hero) taught me to become conscious ....just by setting the example! Practice the three R's...reuse, reduce,recycle. Selecting organic products and take advantage of green programs in your community or create green programs in your community. Choose to use sustainable products like bamboo, eucalyptus......there are so many ways to make fun and exciting changes to promote a clean and healthy world.
The buzz word for today and tomorrow is 'green'.....Living green, green collar jobs, green communities, green cars....way cool! Green is beautiful! Think green and let's live the Good Life!
mantra: Today I choose to take action in being a good steward of this earth. It is my divine duty to be a green ambassador of my beautiful planet. God created this amazing space and it is my job to be an earth angel!
Thank you for living green...there are always more ways to make green a reality....and Thank you mama for teaching me the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle (consignment!)....
I love you sissy...you taught me much too! You are a good girl...did I raise you right???
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