Okay...so sometimes I forget to do things that are part of my daily regimen. I may forget to take my meds, mail or pay a bill,or return a phone call. But as life can sometimes pick me up and carry me away into the grand illusion....I forget to BREATHE! Being an air sign...you would think that breathing would be a natural thing.....but no, I catch my self holding my breathe or breathing irregular. Actually breathing is a very natural thing to do...we just do it. But it is how we are breathing or not breathing that has an impact on our body, on our mind, and on our spirit. I am getting way better at catching myself and paying more attention to my breathing. I am blessed to have friends that blurt out ..."Just Breathe Desiree". And just like the song goes..I cradle my head in my hands and just breathe! Take the time to check in on yourself? Are you breathing?
-chorus- Just Breathe by Anna Nalick
'Cause you can't jump the track,we're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button girl,
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe
Today I am in gratitude that I am breathing!
Relax and enjoy the breath of life.
Peace and Blessings~
Listen to 'Just Breathe" click on Anna's pic-right hand upper corner
For a more in depth conversation on breathing click on the Celtic heart on the right to be directed to my healthy heart blog. : )
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