Did you know that 4 out of 10 galaxies are out of balance????? That sure made me feel better! From the birth of stars to the evolution of galaxies the cosmos blow my mind! I have been enamored by the spacious skies for most of my life! The first word I learned to say was 'moon' and my most beautiful horse on the planet in my adolescence was named "Star".....God I loved that horse!
My 2009 learning expedition has been to study more about the cosmos and be more in tune with what is going on in the Universe. I became addicted to Stephen Hawking and watched every one of his videos on you tube. I studied light heart-ed-ly some of the greatest astronomers of the centuries. I am in awe of how the technology of the telescope has evolved. I dream that I will win a trip to the moon or some exotic planet....I love watching the movie 'Contact' with Jodie Foster...it gives me the cosmic chills! I have a really cool map of the cosmos from National Geographic that I chart out my vacations!!....and I love the song 'Drops of Jupiter' by Train .....Now that shes back from that soul vacation. Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey...... know that is WHAT I AM talking about~!
I believe that I dance the cosmic dance. When things here on planet earth seem a little shake-y and I am feeling out of sorts ....I zoom to my favorite place......the cosmos!
From the merriam-webster online dictionary here is the definition of 'cosmos':
cos·mos \ˈkäz-məs, 1 & 2 also -ˌmōs, -ˌmäs\
Function: noun
Etymology:Greek kosmos
1 a: universe 1 b (1): an orderly harmonious systematic universe — compare chaos (2): order , harmony2: a complex orderly self-inclusive system3plural cosmos Listen to the pronunciation of cosmos \-məs, -məz\ also cos·mos·es Listen to the pronunciation of cosmoses \-mə-səz\ [New Latin, genus name, from Greek kosmos] : any of a genus (Cosmos) of tropical American composite herbs ; especially : a widely cultivated tall annual (C. bipinnatus) with yellow or red disks and showy ray
May your day be of cosmic proportions!!!
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