~Sweet Tears of Venus~
Our Sister Planet
Hidden behind her cloudy veil
and beneath the dust
that lies
in her cratered cleavage,
is a planet of hidden beauty
She is a mystery to us still
as her hot temper
keeps us
from walking on her ash laid
surface of tearless rivers
Her hostile environment is
only skin deep,
for she is
The Goddess of love and beauty
as she hangs from a crescent moon
While the Romans called her Venus,
Aphrodite was her given name
by the late Greeks,
as they were vulnerable to
her shining spell
The Mayan temple born
to observe her;
the great star, the bright star,
their herald of the dawn,
making her a splendor in space
Her ability to shine beyond
the edge of night
and to be
captured at the twilight, awakens
the emotions of our human psyche
My vision... is that someday this
White Star Woman
will shed more than tears
of acidic rain,
but drops of joy that will fill
her rivers with love and beauty
for all of us to share
Desiree Heinen
copyright 2005
My reflection: I pulled this poem out of my archives. I have a love affair with Venus. She is such a mystery to me and she is also my ruling planet. There is something to be said about her beautiful goddess energy. She is a terrestrial planet and is often referred to as Earth's twin or sister planet. She is closer to the sun than Mars, with Mercury being the closest. Venus has no moons and Venus is the hottest and brightest planet in our solar system! Venus is in retrograde right now as I post this and will be so until April 17th, 2009. Retrograde planets bring us an opportunity to re-do, re-think, and re-plan. Enjoy her beauty.........I know I do!
Venus Blessings~
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